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Ours is a family business that has been dedicated to the items Metallurgical and Building since 1960.

We've known for being innovative and create products to meet the needs of production and economic development will pose to our societies.

The relevance of our analyzes and proposals, the excellent quality of our products and the decision to work for large groups more productive, has positioned us as American and world leaders in our field.


We have characterized  to be innovative and create products needs to solve the productive and economic development is pose to our societies.

Before the Covid-19 we present:
Complete Modular Hospitals and
Hospitalization Pavilions
The fight against this Pandemic must be based on Isolation and Biosecurity
Hospital Halperin

Complete Modular Hospital H.M.C.

Designed under the recommendations of the World Health Organization (who) and high biosafety standards.

It includes:
* 1 Income and Logistics module
* 3 PIP Primary Hospital wards, with 546 beds
* 1 Intermediate Therapy Internment module, with 98 beds
* 1 Intensive Therapy Internment module, with 98 beds

Total Hospital: 742 beds

hospital Halperin
Alem 1051 Bernal - Quilmes, Pcia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel.:/Fax: (54-11) 4252-4043 / 4301-4044